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Solutions innovantes


Tôles de ventilation

Tôles de ventilation

Les tôles de ventilation sont utilisées lors de la conception et de la rénovation de générateurs. TDV fabrique une gamme complète d’entretoises de ventilation en acier inoxydable ou en acier au carbone. Soudées sur des tôles découpées au laser, nous proposons à nos...

Ventilation plates

Ventilation plates

TDV strengthens its presence in the green energy production sector by offering a new technology for the production of sub-assemblies for wind and hydraulic rotating machines. The ventilation plates are used in the design and renovation of generators. TDV manufactures...

Pizza transport crate

Pizza transport crate

New TDV product for the Pizza vending market.Designed and manufactured in France.Want to know more about pizza transport racks? Visit our online store

Pizza transport crate

TDV DESIGN: 10-pizza transport crates

New TDV product for the Pizza vending market 10 PIZZA transport and storage racks in 304L stainless steel. Lightweight and impact-resistant ;Non-slip ;Stackable ;In food-grade stainless steel and easy to wash. + For orders over 20 crates, personalized engraving is...

laser welding

laser welding

laser welding TDV expands its skills by acquiring laser technology. This technology is particularly suitable for welding thin or high disparity thicknesses as well as for meeting highly qualitative requirements.